Friday, June 04, 2010

Almost Over

Chilling out at home. Listening to an old Hed Kandi radio show while Doreen listens to French news streaming online. Today was the last day of classes of spring term. Late afternoon we had our awards ceremony, which was its usual mix of awkward and nice. This was followed by a reception for seniors and their families, which was fun. Then Doreen and I went to dinner with a bunch of the graduation speakers. It was a nice meal, but the acoustics at the restaurant weren't good, so it was loud and hard to have a discussion. Tomorrow is graduation.

I'm glad the term is over. It was a very tiring ten weeks. I need a few days to recover and then I have mountains of work to do. I have much grading and then almost fifty evaluations to write. There are two papers I need to referee, and I'm the external reader on a dissertation. All of these I should do by the end of June, if not sooner. And there is a book review that I'm supposed to have done in July. I also have a bunch of grant-related odds and ends that need to get dealt with. And then there is my main task for the summer, which is to finish my Chaos and Fractals textbook. I'm looking forward to it all, except for the grant stuff.

Tomorrow, though, will be a morning of rest, and an afternoon and evening of celebration with graduates and their families.


Surly said...

I wish I had taken your chaos and fractals class. Not that calculus wasn't great and all...

dave said...

Hi Carla. Great to hear from you. Sounds like you're having fun in DC. My Chaos and Fractals book should be out in around a year, so you could read the book I guess. But the class is probably a lot more fun.