Friday, March 10, 2006

Sabbatical (almost) over

Today was the last day of winter term. This means that my sabbatical is more or less over. We have two weeks of spring break, and then classes start again on the 27th. I'm super psyched for the two classes I'll be teaching in the spring -- Introduction to Chaos and Fractals, and Calculus IV -- but I'll miss having time to do reading and research like I've had the last couple of months.

I'm in the midst of doing some major re-organizing in my office. The amount of paper I've accumulated is stunning. I've done a lot of filing and a lot of recycling. There's still much to be done.

It snowed about an inch or so last night. It looked very nice, but by morning it had turned to rain and the snow had entirely washed away.

This might be my most boring blog entry yet.

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